Book Review - MANAGEMENT


Name of Book: -     MANAGEMENT

Name of Authors: -     COURTLAND L.BOVEE
                                  JOHN V.THILL
                                  MARIYAM BURK WOOD
                                 GEORGE P.DOVEL

Publisher: -     Mc Graw Hill
International edition

Introduction of Authors;
                A professor, honored to hold C. Allen Paul Distinguishing Chair. He is writer, researcher, & management consultant,
Founder & CEO of communication specialist of America recognized for innovations in management education.
President of a management consulting firm (strategic management services)
Prior to this held position of Vice president n other management position at well renowned Banks, federations and managing firms. Well known writer in the business press.
 Founder & president of managing consultancy “The Dovel Group”. Focused on the managerial challenges in the 21st century, has worked as trainer of the sales and engineering personnel in so many countries.     

About Preface

Ø In the detailed preface the authors have claimed that the management book contains full knowledge of the trends, theories, tools & techniques which a management student must know for becoming a good manager.
Ø The writers also have claimed that the book contains vital concepts regarding management.


Ø This book of management with the title MANAGEMENT is written by the COURTLAND L.BOVEE, JOHN V.THILL,     MARIYAM BURK WOOD, and GEORGE P.DOVEL.
Ø Book contains a very detailed preface which helps to get idea about the book.
Ø The book of management comprises of the five parts, overall 21 chapters with 827 pages in total.
Ø Other than the 21 chapters this book also contains the integrated video exercises with full description, separate for each chapter.
Ø Followed by the references, glossary, & in last indexes.
The very interesting and noticeable things about the book the reader may not be able to ignore to get benefited from them are;
Each chapter has:
v Chapter out-line,
v The learning objectives of the chapter,
v Chapter over-view,
v The story about facing real life management challenges,
v Supporting Diagrams, Images, tables & Maps,
v The margin glossary, to get the quick gist of the topic,
v The Exhibits,
v Success stories related to the topic, of handling situation by the real life managers,
v Summary of the chapter,
v Ranking questions, MCQs, analysis questions, special projects,
v Key-terms,
v Sample work assignments for application of the concepts of the chapter,
v A case study in the end of the chapter.

PART# 01
                 Understanding Management Today.
Part one comprises of total five chapters,
01)The foundations of management.
02)Management theories & perception.
03)The complex organizational environment.
04)Social responsibility & ethics.
05)Management & the global organization.
These five chapters contain following topics;
Chapter # 01
ü  Chapter over-view,
ü  Management & Managers,
ü  Management & Organizations,
ü  Management Process & the Nature of the Managerial Work.
ü  Types of Management.
ü  Managers in the making.
ü  Cotemporary management challenges.
Chapter # 02
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Managers & Management Theory.
ü  Early Management thoughts & practices.
ü  The classical management perspective.
ü  The behavioral management perspective.
ü  The quantitative management perspective.
ü  Contemporary management perspectives.
Chapter  # 03
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  The organizational environment.
ü  The external environment.
ü  The internal environment.
ü  Management within the organizational environment.
Chapter # 04
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Management & social responsibility.
ü  Organizational approaches to social responsibility.
ü  Management & ethic.
ü  Organizational approaches to ethical management.
Chapter # 05
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Managers & the international challenges.
ü  The international environment.
ü  Entering the global business market.
ü  Management approaches to the global activities.

PART # 02
Part two comprises of three chapters.
06) Decision Making
07) Organizational Goals & Planning.
08) Strategic Management & Implementation.
These three chapters contain following topics;
Chapter # 06
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Fundamentals of decision making.
ü  Managerial decision-making models.
ü  The rational decision-making process.
ü  More effective decision making.
ü  Groups & decision making.
Chapter # 07
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Fundamentals of organizational planning
ü  The organizational planning process.
ü  Planning & management.
ü  Management by objectives.
ü  Tools for planning.
Chapter # 08   
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Fundamentals of strategic management.
ü  STEP-1: Conduct a situational analysis (SWOT Analysis).
ü  STEP-2: Formulate the organizational strategy.
ü  STEP-3: Implement the strategy.
ü  STEP-4: Maintain strategic control.

PART # 03
Part three comprises of following five chapters;
09)Foundations of organizational structure.
10)Organization design.
11)Organizational change & innovation.
12)Organizing new ventures.
13)Human resource management.

These all five chapters contain following topics;
Chapter # 09
ü  Chapter overview
ü  Management & organization structure.
ü  The vertical organization.
ü  The horizontal organization.
ü  Formal & informal organizations.
Chapter # 10
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Management & organization design.
ü  Factors affecting organization design.
ü  Forms of organization design.
ü  Application of organization design principles.
Chapter # 11
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Management & organizational change.
ü  Managing planned organizational change.
ü  Organizational development.
ü  Managing creativity & innovation.
Chapter # 12
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Management & new venture formation.
ü  The entrepreneurial organization.
ü  The entrepreneurial organization.
ü  Contemporary challenges in small business management..
Chapter # 13
ü  Chapter overview
ü  Human resource management & the organization.
ü  The human resources environment.
ü  The human resource management process.

PART # 04
Part four comprises of four chapters which are;
14) Management & motivation.
15) Leadership in organizations.
16) Groups in organizations.
17) Management & communication.
These four chapters contain following topics;
Chapter # 14
ü  Chapter overview
ü  Fundamentals of motivation
ü  Contemporary approaches to motivation.
ü  Reward system.
 Chapter # 15
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Leadership & power.
ü  Theories of leadership.
ü  Current trends in leadership.
 Chapter # 16
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Fundamentals of interpersonal process.
ü  Types of groups.
ü  Characteristics of groups.
ü  Group formation & development.
ü  Management of groups.
ü  Groups & conflicts.
Chapter # 17
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Fundamentals of communication.
ü  Communication in the organization.
ü  Improving organizational communication.
PART # 05
Part five comprises of four chapters;
18)   Information resource management.
19)   Foundations of management control.
20)   Operations management.
21)   Quality, productivity & customer satisfaction.

These four chapters contain following topics;
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Management & information.
ü  How managers use information.
ü  Information systems.
ü  Information system technology.
ü  Issues in information resources management.
Chapter # 19
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Understanding management control.
ü  The control process.
ü  Control in the organization.
ü  Managing effective control.
ü  Managing financial & budgetary control.
ü  The financial Audit.
Chapter # 20
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Understanding operations management.
ü  Designing operations.
ü  Managing ongoing operations.
ü  Managing quality & productivity in operations.
Chapter # 21
ü  Chapter overview.
ü  Organizational performance today & tomorrow.
ü  Management & quality.
ü  Management & productivity.
ü  Management & customer satisfaction.

In part one authors quote that the management process is like life process. Not a single institute or organization can work without proper and effective organization. And they also have said that there are four principles of management which are Planning, Organizing, Leading & Controlling. In first part a little introduction is given of these four principles. The three roles of the manager are also defined on first part and also what type of challenges the managers are facing in today’s world. Management theories are also part of the 1st part of the book. No doubt a manager by doing careful study of the past managers tricks & techniques can perceive good managerial skills to run organizations in better way. It is because of the keen observation of the history of the managerial work of the successful as well as unsuccessful managers that different useful managerial theories have evolved today to guide. On the other hand the organizational environment is also important element. It is composed of those all forces who have power to put effect on it, lie external & internal environment of the organization. Whole environment interaction depends on the availability of the resources and state of dependency of the organization. All organizations also lie under some social responsibility in accordance to the economic, legal, ethical & discretionary aspects. And managers play key role in performing these responsibilities. Not only this but as the world has rapidly moved toward the globalization therefore in the management international level challenges have also risen. Because of that managers if has to compete in the international market they must sharpen their skills to face those challenges.
All that content is part of the PART# 01. And these all are described in detail with all possible prose & cones.

PART #02
Decision making is a process of identifying problem, knowing all aspects of it, & by reaching to conclusion of whole situation finding solution for making decision. For decision making to find out the problem is necessary factor. On the other hand target or future state of the organization is said to be its goal & way/path to pursue the goals is said planning. For the success of the organization goals need to be effective, attainable, realistic, time-bound, specific, relevant & measurable. This is called goal setting. In addition to this for achieving goals strategic management is important. Strategic management is the process of forming, implementing and controlling broad plans of the organization in internal & external environment with the help of different steps like SWOT Analysis. All these things with their other elements are described deeply and effectively with the help of real life examples.
 PART # 03
This part is dealing with the ORGANIZING.
The basic organizational structure is the something like system to interact & coordinate for creating links in the tasks for organizational goals. Organizations therefore can be classified into many types on the basis of their organizational structure. On the other hand change is the process of alteration in the organizational structure system in the specific timepeiod. At some places changes in organization are welcomed by each and every member but in some cases it is resisted due to certain reasons. In addition to this the personnel in the organization are the basic and major element in not only structure of organization but also for the occurrence, reoccurrence or no occurrence of changes personnel are at some point responsible. Therefore their recruitment, in service training and polishing is necessary.
  How changes effect organizations? Why changes are resisted or welcomed? What are the new trends in organizations? Its new ventures These questions are answered reasonably in this part in best possible way.
PART # 04
Part four gives knowledge about the LEADING.
For leading best possible performance is important & performance is determined by three factors are responsible, Ability, Environment &  Motivation.
Motivation is the force which makes people to start, direct & sustain behavior and action. For leading performance and for leading members of the organization motivation is the key element. Mangers have to face so many challenges in this regard. Leadership skills. Electrifying leadership, theories of leadership are best part of part four. In addition to this groups (two or more than two people interacting for pursuit of common goal), types of gropes, conflicts reasons of conflicts and how they can be resolved in organization or in specific group, it is properly described by the authors.
 In this book all aspects of motivation and behavioral, environmental and psychological challenges as well are defined in beautiful way.

PART # 05 +
This part deals with the CONTROLLING.
Controlling is also a major element in Management. In this part 1st chapter is about information resource management. It states that an effective manager needs to have accurate, complete, timely information of the organization and system or environment related to the organization. Therefore he/she must have expertise to handle data properly. A manager must not ignore handling and converting of different forms of information and make it useful. Because for running whole process smoothly with control correct knowledge of information is needed. And control is the regulatory process. On the other hand the combination of the activities of  planning and controlling make operations management.

This management book no doubt contain a vast knowledge of the Management. It is result of the huge terrifying efforts done by the four authors. They have done best work. While reading this book I came across a very good information and this book has increased my treasure of knowledge too.
The authors have done complete justice with the topic material in accordance to facilitate all learners of the management. The book speaks of their practical experiences, which they have poured in this book content.
All the aspects of the management through all directions are discussed, described, defined and clarified with help of real life examples and real historical case studies. On the other hand the glossary. Index matrial, references, n other helping material has given too much ease to digest the subject matter.